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Employee Stock Option Plan [ESOP]

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Esops are employee benefit plans that offer employees an ownership interest in the organization. In other words, Esops are the right/option given to eligible employees to buy equity shares of the company at a predetermined rate (mostly face value) within a stipulated time (exercise period). Employers frequently use ESOPs as a corporate-finance approach to balancing the interests of their employees with those of their shareholders because they provide significant tax benefits to the sponsoring company—the selling shareholder—and participants, making them qualifying plans.

  • As there are personal stakes involved, it keeps the workers engaged.
  • Saves the company the cost of direct payments.
  • Makes the employees at home due to their share in the company.
  • It fosters a feeling of possession within employees.

Documents Required:-
  • A board meeting's minutes.
  • Special resolution approving the ESOP, as well as an explanatory statement
  • The general meeting minutes.
  • Boards submit reports.
  • Employee stock option plan register
  • MGT- 14, PAS-3.

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